Star T Shock Cryo T Shock

Does Cryo T Shock Work?

Cryo T Shock is a safe and easy way to lose
stubborn fat, cellulite, and loose skin. If you’ve been trying to find an effective fat removal solution, let our team help you!

What is Cryo T Shock and how does it work?

Cryo T Shock is a safe, FDA-approved, and non-invasive treatment that freezes fat cells permanently. This treatment is great for people who want fat removal, cellulite removal, or to tighten loose skin.  At Recovery Science, we use the award-winning Pagani STAR Cryo T Shock machine. This machine alternates cold and warm temperatures to freeze and destroy fat cells. Our STAR Cryo T Shock treatment is 45 minutes long.

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Who is Cryo T Shock for?

Cryo T Shock is for people who want permanent fat removal without expensive and invasive surgery. STAR Cryo T Shock is also for people who want to get rid of cellulite or tighten loose skin.

Can you lose weight with Cryo T Shock?

Yes, you can lose weight with STAR Cryo T Shock because this body sculpting treatment eliminates fat cells permanently.  Though this fat removal process is permanent, it works best for individuals who are near their weight goal and who live a balanced lifestyle consisting of a healthy diet and exercise.


Our clients’ results:

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What is the best body sculpting machine for fat removal?

If you are interested in any type of body sculpting,  the STAR Cryo T Shock is the best machine available that gives you the most bang for your buck. With 4 static pads and 1 manual, the STAR Cryo T Shock covers the largest surface area in one treatment.

Cryo T Shock for fat removal:

If you’d like to get rid of stubborn fat permanently, Cryo T Shock is the treatment for you. For fat removal, we use 4 static pads on your target area. This 45- minute treatment can be done 15 days apart.

Cryo T Shock for cellulite removal:

Cryo T Shock helps to eliminate cellulite! Cellulite removal with the STAR Cryo T Shock machine has become the easiest and fastest way to remove cellulite. Many see immediate results of their cellulite disappearing after just one session. This is treatment is done over the targeted area continuously with the manual massage pad. Treatments must be spaced out by 15 days and it is recommended to schedule at least once a month for maintenance.

Before and After of cellulite removal

Before and After of cellulite removal

Cryo T Shock for loose skin:

STAR Cryo T Shock can also eliminate loose, crepey skin.  The cold temperature from the STAR Cryo T Shock boosts collagen and elastin production to tighten the loose skin. This treatment is also done with the manual massage pad using a continuous motion over the targeted area. Treatments must be spaced out by 15 days and it is recommended to schedule at least once a month for maintenance.

What else can Cryo T Shock help with?

Cryo T Shock can also help with anti-aging, acne, muscle pain, or a minor injury. These treatments are performed manually through our manual massage pad.

1. Anti-aging

Cryo T Shock can be used to eliminate fine lines and wrinkles. This manual, mini facial treatment firms and tightens the skin. This increases elastin and collagen production which gives you noticeably younger-looking skin.

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2. Acne

This manual Cryo T Shock procedure can get rid of acne and other blemishes. This treatment is recommended to be followed by Blue Light Therapy, which helps clear breakouts and prevent them.

3. Muscle pain or minor injury

Using the muscle relaxation setting on the STAR Cryo T Shock machine, this treatment can provide pain relief and help reduce swelling of minor injuries like; a popped knee, sprained ankle, shoulder pain, etc. It is recommended to do this treatment 3 times, followed by Red Light Therapy.


What to expect during your Cryo T Shock consultation and session:

During your STAR Cryo T Shock consultation, one of our team members will use an Adicell thermographic sheet on your target area, this is to pinpoint where the stubborn fat is. During your session, you will lay on our massage table with our STAR Cryo T Shock connectors strapped onto your target area while relaxing music plays. Since this fat removal process alternates cold and warm temperatures, expect a slight tingle sensation when it’s on the cold setting, and relaxation when it’s on the warm setting. If this treatment is for cellulite, loose skin, anti-aging, acne, or an injury, the session will be performed with our manual massage pad.


After your Cryo T Shock treatment:

After your STAR Cryo T Shock session, it is recommended that you use our infrared sauna or perform vigorous exercise immediately after.  An infrared sauna session or a vigorous workout will help your body get lymphatic drainage which will boost your results.  Expect to see fat removal results over a duration of a few weeks, Cryo T Shock is not a fast weight-loss technique. If using STAR Cryo T Shock for cellulite or loose skin, you may see results after one session, though it is recommended to schedule monthly sessions for maintenance. Make sure to drink lots of water before and after your Cryo T Shock session.



Cryo T Shock is a safe, effective, and versatile procedure for fat removal, cellulite removal, tightening of loose skin, anti-aging, and more. It is more affordable than an invasive fat removal surgery and there is no recovery downtime after STAR Cryo T Shock. If you are looking for a safe stubborn fat or cellulite removal solution that won’t cost a fortune, Cryo T Shock is a great procedure.



How often should you do Cryo T Shock?

It is recommended to do STAR Cryo T Shock every 15 days for about 3-10 sessions, depending on the stubborn fat.

Is Cryo T Shock the best fat removal?

Yes, Cryo T Shock is non- invasive and the most affordable nonsurgical fat removal procedure, it is the best and safest fat removal.

Is Cryo T Shock painful?

No, STAR Cryo T Shock is not painful and is actually quite relaxing. The most you'll feel is a slight tingle from the cold temperature.

What should I do before Cryo T Shock?

Avoid working out right before your session because it will be harder to cool down the skin. Also avoid consuming carbs or sugars 3 hours before the treatment.

Who cannot do Cryo T Shock?

Cryo T Shock cannot be used on those who are pregnant, have dialysis, kidney disease, or severe diabetes. Cryo T Shock cannot be applied over an area where one may have inflamed or infected skin, cancerous areas or those undergoing chemotherapy.

What should I do after Cryo T Shock?

After your Cryo T Shock session, it is recommended to use our infrared sauna or perform vigorous exercise immediately after. This is to ensure your body gets lymphatic drainage, this will also maximize your results.

Is there recovery downtime needed after Cryo T Shock?

No, there is no recovery downtime needed after your Cryo T Shock session. There may be slight redness from the static pads over your targeted area, but this goes away almost immediately or a few hours after your session.

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